My new phone & Theory of Relativity in experience

I’ve just upgraded my 5-year old Android to an IPhone.

But don’t worry, this post is not about bragging how amazing my IPhone is  (though in fact it’s quite nice). Rather, it’s  about the lesson I learned when I needed to switch between my Android and my IPhone.

I’ve been using my Android (a Samsung) for almost 5 years. Recently, it got “a little” slow so I decided to upgrade to a new phone.

When I use my new IPhone, it’s pretty fast: installing new apps, browsing, switching tasks, etc. Everything is nice and in order. Some delight but no big surprise (given the hefty price of an IPhone).

Then, I needed to transfer some of my existing contacts on the Android to the IPhone.

And Oops!

Somehow I felt my Android was terribly, terribly slow!  I wondered how I could have borne this slowness?

What changed?

It couldn’t be the Android. I didn’t throw my Android to the wall after buying my new phone, nor did I remember I had done any damage to it to make it slower.

It’s in my mind!

The swiftness of my new phone has made the not-so-fast experience on my old phone become unbearable!

Once again, it’s relativity, in experience. I’ve got used to a new better condition and the not-so-good-but-not-that-terrible old condition suddenly becomes so much worse in my mind.

After a few times of wondering why the Android got so slow, I realized this.

I was amazed.

Reality illusion
Everything is relative

Thank you IPhone! Not quite because you’re incredible in terms of price-benefits, but because you’ve lead me to experiencing an important lesson in life.

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