
Hi, I’m Hung (Peter).

I’m an avid learner and reader. My main reading topics are those related to technology, education, psychology/personal dev/philosophy and business.

As I read widely, I know a bit of here and there from different areas. I’m especially fond of making connections among ideas and concepts that come from different fields.


My professional work centers around software and product development: I love building useful products.

In the past few years, my focus was mainly on ML/AI. For a list my recent tech projects, check out my Github blog.

(If you want to get started with AI, do check out this post for pointers about how to get started.)

My fun (but long-time ago) projects include an NLP tool to automatically insert Vietnamese accent marks; and a website for non-Vietnamese to learn Vietnamese online.

Sports is also one of my enduring hobbies. I play table tennis reasonably well, and when suitable, I pick up a new martial art.


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If you’re interested in tech (mostly ML/AI), follow me on Linkedin.


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